Multidrug Resistant Bacteria –
An Ongoing Global Healthcare Challenge- Multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria represent an ongoing global healthcare challenge, with changing epidemiology and resistance patterns resulting in increased morbidity and mortality rates among hospitalized patents. This activity will review the impact of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing bacteria and present comparative data on current and emerging therapies to develop strategies for initial therapy and optimal outcomes. Strategies to optimize initial antimicrobial therapy for improved outcomes will be provided.
Demonstrate an understanding of the molecular epidemiology of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens. Summarize the salient features and critical differences amongst available antibiotics and those in development for use against multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria. Describe strategies to optimize initial antimicrobial therapy to ensure effectiveness of antibiotics and reduce the development of resistance. Discuss the interventions with the potential to reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics and improve outcomes in patients with resistant bacterial infections.
1.0 Free CEUs for Nurses
Expires 6/30/17