5.5 Free CEUs Total- Take One or All 5!
Course 1- Patient Assessment and Diagnostic Tests- Assess findings of valvular disease and ventricular septal defects. Assess findings of fluid changes within the heart. Complete a pertinent cardiovascular patient history. Describe blood tests that are essential to the cardiovascular assessment. Compare the noninvasive tests used to evaluate for cardiovascular dysfunction. Discuss invasive cardiovascular tests and interventions. Course 2- Acute Coronary Syndrome and Heart Failure- Identify signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. Identify diagnostic criteria for unstable angina, STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction), and NSTEMI (Non ST-elevation myocardial infarction). Discuss ECG findings while comparing and contrasting ST segment differences in unstable angina, STEMI, and NSTEMI. Discuss the evidence-based practice medical/nursing management for care of the acute coronary syndrome patient. Discuss the potential complications of acute myocardial infarction. Differentiate left and right ventricular failure, as well as medical management of each. Discuss hemodynamic principles in the following patient populations: cardiogenic shock secondary to left ventricular failure, right ventricular infarction, papillary muscle rupture, acute ventricular septal defect, pulmonary emboli, and hypovolemic shock. Course 3- Heart Disease and Injury- Identify coronary revascularization procedures, including less invasive approaches. Discuss risk factors for aneurysm formation, differentiate between the types of aneurysms and locations, and the treatment options available. Identify the various cardiac structures disorders and complications that may occur. Explain the use of a temporary pacemaker and the indications for an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Course 4- Case Studies and Medication-Describe procedures and diagnostic tests used in the cardiovascular arena. Identify the signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular disease. Describe common treatments and possible complications associated with cardiovascular care, including post-op complications. Identify risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. Course 5- Anatomy & Physiology and Hemodynamics- Describe the normal structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Analyze the relationship between autonomic nervous system response and cardiovascular function. List the factors that affect cardiac output and explain its impact on body perfusion. Describe the impact of medications on the autonomic nervous system.
5.5 Free CEUs for Nurses
Free until 10/1/16